Saturday 20 June 2015

Where do I begin?

Firstly, the official bit.....This blog is my own work.  I do not represent Buck Brannaman, Total Horsemanship, or Aintree International Arena.  Pictures courtesy of my lovely friend Layla Nulty :)

Right where do I begin?  Apart from the obvious, my horse is gorgeous (please see above).

Now the dust has begun to settle in my feeble brain, I will be writing several blogs to cover everything that happened in what has to be, THE best clinic I have ever experienced.

Hats off to Tina Griffen and what I have now dubbed, The 'A' Team, in making this event happen and run so very smoothly!

Format will go as follows....

  • 2 or possibly 3 blogs, detailing MY experience of attending this event.  The sights, sounds, people, get the idea.  
  • Then there will be wine consumed, by at least me, possibly you too (unless you are under 18).   
  • I will then write another 3 blogs detailing exercises, words of wisdom, observations from the clinic. 
  • Then more wine for me, as writing is thirsty work :)

Sounds good? Great!

I will now leave you with one snippet that stuck with me throughout this clinic....'Treat them how you want them to be, not how they are'.  I can confirm this works with husbands too :)

See you on the flip side (V V V soon) x


  1. Looking forward to seeing your blog - I'm a great believer in "expect more, get more" (horses / husbands!)

    1. Thanks Laura! Absolutely... I may start a husband training blog too :)

  2. Hooray for your blog! Can't wait to read more xx
